Why Sexual Health is Vital For Men
Sexual Health & Wellness

Why Sexual Health is Vital For Men

Demeter Delune
Sex Educator

Sexual health is important for many reasons. It’s connected to your well-being mentally and physically regardless of gender, however, since it’s Men’s Health Week, we’re going to focus on how it affects people with penises specifically. We’ll address some common concerns and ways to maintain your sexual health easily, and feel better about yourself overall. Your sexual health is important, here’s why.

  1. Having sex makes you happier: This may seem like a no-brainer, but there’s science behind it. When you orgasm, your body releases oxytocin, the feel good hormone. This hormone stabilizes about 10 minutes after sex, so to keep those good feelings going, cuddle with your partner. It helps relieve stress, which is always a good thing for our mental health. But you don’t need to  have intercourse to release oxytocin, it happens with any orgasm, so masturbation works, too.
  2. Ejaculation lowers your risk of prostate cancer: According to a study by Boston University, men who ejaculate 21 times per month are 19 percent less likely to be diagnosed with prostate cancer--and the percentage is even better for older men. Don’t worry if that number seems like a lot, masturbation in general is helpful in lowering your risk. 
  3. Exercise makes sex better: Reducing stress helps in all aspects of our lives, and exercise has been proven to reduce this worrying issue when it comes to issues pertaining to stress, depression, and sexual problems. It increases our self-esteem, confidence, and libido. Less stress means it’s easier to relax, which can lead to a better ability to perform in the bedroom, especially if you’re experiencing erectile dysfunction.
  4. Sex is exercise: While it isn’t exactly on par with a daily run, you do burn calories when you have sex. Men burn around 100 calories during sex, which is comparable to walking about 4 miles per hour for around 25 minutes. Hey, it’s more than you’d burn if you vegged on the couch.
  5. Having sex more leads to more sex: Sounds silly? Maybe, but it’s true. According to a study in Finland of men aged 55 to 75, having sex just once per week were half as likely to develop erectile dysfunction than men who didn’t. It goes back to the old adage, use it or lose it. 
  6. You’ll sleep better: We talked about oxytocin making you feel good after sex, but there’s another hormone that’s released called prolactin that makes you sleepy. Also, if you’re having sex or masturbating in the dark, your body may release melatonin, because it thinks it’s time for bed. This release of all three hormones can help you fall asleep quickly. What a fantastic way to end the day!
  7. Sex is good for your heart: A study by the American Journal of Cardiology found that men who have sex two to three times per week have a significantly lower risk of cardiovascular disease than men who only have sex a few times per month, or less. Sex contributes to physical activity, the American Heart Association recommends 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week. Plus, there’s the assumption if you’re regularly  having sex, you’re in an intimate relationship, which contributes to your overall health and reduces your stress levels.
  8. Sex makes your relationship better: But more isn’t necessarily  better in this regard. The release of oxytocin lasts up to 48 hours, which connects you and your partner, and researchers state this intimate connection is what’s important. Having sex even once a week is great and pretty normal for most couples.

What sexual health items are on the top of most men’s list?

As an educator and intimacy coach, the top sexual health concerns I hear from my male clients have to do with penis size and whether or not it’s okay to engage in prostate play. 

Sadly, a lot of men are worried about their penis size due to what they’ve seen in free online porn. Male performers are shown with much larger than average penises, so it tracks for them this must be what the women in their lives desire. For reference, the average flaccid penis is 3.61 inches in length, the average erect penis is 5.16 inches in length. This is not at all what you’ll see in free online pornography. To be clear, most women don’t desire the massive members you’re seeing there, either. Everyone has their preference of course, however, rather than be worried about what you’re packing, it’s more important to be concerned about what you’re bringing to the bedroom as far as pleasing your partner by paying attention to their needs, wants, and desires.

Society has led men, especially cisgender heterosexual men, to believe that any type of sexual play that includes their anus and prostate is gay. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Most of my male clients are worried this type of play will open the door to something nefarious or worse, make their partner think poorly of them. While I can’t speak for their partners, I can ease their minds when it comes to their personal concern that prostate play has nothing to do with their sexuality. What it can do is enhance the intensity of ejaculation, feel fantastic, and potentially help reduce symptoms of an enlarged prostate. 

Sexual health is connected to our overall health and well-being and it’s important to be educated about all aspects of it. When we take the time to educate ourselves and understand our bodies so we can be ready to receive and give pleasure, we’re bettering everyone in our lives. Our relationships flourish, not only with ourselves, but with everyone around us, and that’s never a bad thing.

Demeter Delune
Sex Educator